You are currently viewing 14 Best Food to Control Diabetes

Following a healthy dietary plan is important to regulate one’s blood sugar. It is necessary to consume foods that are the best food to control diabetes.

If someone is struggling with Diabetes, it is common to think that all of the healthy foods can be used. This is not entirely true because many nutrients are beneficial to us while others are less.

Anyone with Diabetes needs to choose carefully what they eat and how much they consume. Healthy foods are not all good for Diabetes either. For example, vegetables can be good, but the nutrients in iceberg lettuce are not as valuable to a diabetic as spinach, kale, or chard.

In addition to nutrient content, the glycemic index (GI) of the food is also important when feeding a diabetic person. This indicates how fast food raises blood sugar. So commonly, foods that have low GIs are the best foods to control Diabetes. Consuming them is the best way to control blood sugar levels. Let’s see what are the best foods to control Diabetes and avoid heart diseases.

How does diabetes occur?

Diabetes occurs when the pancreas doesn’t produce enough insulin to keep the body’s blood sugar in balance. If the pancreas doesn’t work properly, the body can’t use it properly to maintain blood sugar balance. So, it is important for the pancreas to keep producing the required amount of insulin to keep the blood sugar in balance.

Hence, it is important to eat the best foods to control diabetes at the right time to help carry sugar from the bloodstream into the cells and prevent diabetes. Please find out below what is the best food for diabetes control.

How to control diabetes?

One main reason to get diabetes is when your blood sugar level gets too high. Staying fit and eating balanced diet is the right way to keep your blood sugar in balance. And the best way to keep your blood sugar in balance is my exercising regularly, managing your carb intake, staying hydrated any many more.

Controlling your blood sugar will definitely prevent you from diabetes and help you acquire a healthy lifestyle.

Best Food to Control Diabetes

1. Spinach

Leafy vegetables of all kinds, including kale, spinach, broccoli, and more are great for diabetics. The low-calorie and low-carb nature of this vegetable, combined with its high antioxidant potential, makes them ideal for chronic diseases.

The study reported a 14% reduction in the development of type 2 Diabetes when green leafy vegetables were a regular part of the diet. Therefore, they have proven to be one of the best food for diabetes control.

2. Oatmeal

Oats contain a high amount of fiber, B vitamins especially B1, vitamin E, and antioxidants. A large amount of fiber causes slow absorption of glucose, and the combination of antioxidants makes oatmeal an essential food to stabilize blood sugar levels.

The high content of soluble fiber in oatmeal can help reduce feelings of hunger and at the same time block the absorption of carbohydrates, which can keep blood sugar at normal levels.

It also reduces changes in cardiovascular disease and high cholesterol, which are dangerous for those suffering from Diabetes. This can be the best food to lower blood sugar.

3. Tomatoes

Carotenoids and flavonoids found in tomatoes act as major anti-inflammatory and antioxidant substances that are good for the body, reducing the risk of chronic diseases, heart disease, cholesterol, and other symptoms that can often lead to Diabetes.

It is also a non-starch vegetable, so it keeps blood sugar levels under control. According to a research, 200 grams of raw tomatoes (about 1.5 medium) a day lowered blood pressure in people with type 2 Diabetes.

Researchers have found that consuming tomatoes helps reduce the cardiovascular risk that can be associated with type 2 Diabetes. So, add tomatoes to your diet everyday.

4. Almonds

These undemanding nuts provide tremendous support for magnesium and monounsaturated fats, which regulate carbohydrate metabolism. Research has also shown that a high-magnesium diet, such as almonds, helps reduce the likelihood of developing type 2 Diabetes by more than 30%.

5. Olive oil

One among many best foods to control diabetes is Olive oil. It doesn’t contain carbohydrates and therefore does not raise blood sugar levels. Also, it slows down the absorption of food consumed along with the oil.

Olive oil is rich in omega-9 and omega-3, which help maintain the elasticity of blood vessels, allowing good blood flow. It does not increase insulin levels, thus reducing the glucose tolerance that exists in many people and causes an increase in blood sugar levels.

6. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is an excellent spice with strong antioxidant activity. Several studies have demonstrated that cinnamon can lower blood sugar and improve insulin sensitivity. Long-term control of Diabetes is usually determined by measuring hemoglobin A1c, which shows the average blood sugar level over 2-3 months.

In one study, patients with type 2 Diabetes who took cinnamon for 90 days had more than a 2-fold reduction in hemoglobin A1c compared with those who received only standard care. A recent analysis also found that cinnamon can lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

However, in type 1 diabetes, cinnamon has not been shown to benefit blood sugar or cholesterol levels. In addition, you should limit your intake of cassia cinnamon, the more commonly found cinnamon to less than 1 teaspoon per day. It contains coumarin, which is associated with health problems in higher doses. On the other hand, Ceylon cinnamon contains much less coumarin. It

7. Legume

Legumes of all kinds (peas, chickpeas, beans, and lentils) are a great choice for soups, salads, and a variety of dishes. They are low in fat, highly soluble fiber, and moderate in plant proteins. Fiber slows the release of glucose into the bloodstream, which prevents a sudden rise in blood sugar.

Plant proteins are more useful and the best food for diabetes control, because they reduce cardiovascular risk when they replace animal proteins.

8. Chocolate

Researchers at Tufts University have found that dark chocolate improves insulin sensitivity, a key target in the prevention or treatment of type 2 Diabetes. Dark chocolate is also beneficial for lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, and improving blood vessel function.

However, it is not recommended to eat more than one block a day as an occasional intake because it contributes to a large amount of fat and calories.

9. Mango

Mango may have a sweet taste, but this delicious fruit lowers blood sugar.

Well, mango season comes only once a year. Daily intake of about half of fresh mango, or 100 grams, contributes to lowering blood sugar in obese people.

Mango also provides a very high nutrient density with more than twenty different vitamins and minerals, including vitamins C and A, folic acid, and fiber. Also, almost 90% of mangoes do not have pesticide residues.

10. Fenugreek

Fenugreek is another best food for diabetes control. It is a spice whose leaves and seeds are most commonly used in South Asian foods. Its seeds are used as a supplement for breastfeeding mothers and a wide range of herbal medicines.

An examination of dietary supplements with herbs showed that fenugreek lowers blood glucose levels in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, as well as in people with preDiabetes. Fenugreek fiber is useful and effective in slowing down the digestion of carbohydrates. It is also full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Therefore, it is one of the best food to control diabetes.

11. Avocado

Another best food to control diabetes is Avocado. It is very nutritious and loaded with fiber. Eating avocado can lower cholesterol and maintail blood sugar.

Avocados have less than 1 gram of sugar, fewer carbohydrates, high fiber content, and healthy fats, so you don’t have to worry about them, raising blood sugar levels. Not only that, but the consumption of avocados is also associated with improving overall dietary quality and significantly lowering body weight.

12. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are also good for controlling blood sugar. It is better than potatoes because sweet potatoes have a lower glycemic index than potatoes. The glycemic index of one serving of boiled sweet potato is 44 while the boiled potato is 80. The lower the glycemic value of food, the slower it is processed into glucose.

This means that foods that have a low glycemic score will not immediately spike blood sugar immediately after eating. So, sweet potatoes also come into our best diabetic food list.

13. Eggs

Egg is one of the best foods that maintain a feeling of satiety for hours. Regular consumption of eggs can help in reducing the risk of heart disease in several ways. They also reduce inflammation, increase insulin sensitivity, increase your good HDL cholesterol levels, and adjust the size and shape of bad LDL cholesterol.

The study showed that people with type 2 Diabetes who consumed 2 eggs a day on a high-protein diet improved cholesterol and blood sugar. Also, eggs are one of the best sources of lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants that protect the eyes from disease.

14. Citrus fruits and berries

Citrus fruits (such as oranges, lemons, and grapes) are believed to have anti-diabetic effects because they contain bioflavonoid antioxidants called hesperidin and naringin. This fruit also does not contain carbohydrates so it is safe to be used as food for people with diabetes. While the berry family (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries) is rich in antioxidants and fiber that can also normalize your blood sugar levels. This is the last food in our list of the best food for diabetes control.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is egg good for diabetes?

Yes, the egg is one of the best food for diabetes control. It is a great source of protein and is low in carbohydrates. It is good for people with diabetes as it contains half a gram of carbohydrates and will not raise one’s blood sugar.

What foods to avoid with diabetes?

In general, food with high carbohydrates, unhealthy fat, high sugar levels can raise your cholesterol level which can lead to diabetes. So, Processed foods, white bread, dried fruits, fruit-flavored yogurt, honey, maple syrup, coconut oil, protein meats, etc are the foods that should be avoided by people with diabetes.


In conclusion, if you eat the best food that helps you regulate your blood sugar level and drink enough water daily, you are miles away from diabetes and heart diseases. It is the right thing to do if you select wisely what you eat on daily basis.

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