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If it’s the holiday season, that time of the year where you plan parties and take a time off from your job then your stress level can increase thinking a lot about the holiday. Here we have some great tips for a stress-free holiday.

Every holiday is a long-awaited break from everyday life tensions and routine.

You have the chance to explore and try new things, forget about your stress, to change your habits and routine that dominate your life, and, finally, to relax!

But for many of us, the thought of going on a vacation is far from relaxing. In fact, going on vacation becomes a new source of stress.

It happens that the stress catches up already while preparing for the holiday, travel flight, and the time spend on the trip which can take a lot of energy.

This can increase your stress level and give you anxiety.

To relax as much as possible, you need to follow some tips. Here are 7 tips on how to have a stress-free holiday.

1. Don’t Plan Every Step

Tickets have been purchased, the departure time, the airport and terminal have been rechecked, the hotel has been booked, the passport is in your pocket – the main thing has already been done.

Go to the airport early so you don’t miss your flight, but otherwise, let the adventure happen.

If you forgot your favorite shorts, it doesn’t matter. Buy new ones on the spot and get a souvenir for free.

But if you get into any trouble as a loss of control over life, you will only bring back baggage of disappointments from vacation.

2. Remove All Working Applications From the Phone

Work is one of the main sources of stress for adults. To really unwind on vacation, remove the email application, all messengers with work chats, and task managers from your phone.

Instead, you can put mobile games. Let your tasks on vacation be never to remember the work alerts, and set a new record in Balls or Angry Birds.

3. Don’t Take Too Much Pressure

Don’t take too much pressure is another best tips for a stress-free holiday. Pressure is what causes you to go out of your track and holiday mood and finally feel you stressed.

Don’t feel pressured to buy a gift for everyone on your vacation. This is another best tips for a stress-free holiday.

Go on a stress-free holiday shopping.

To avoid the pressure of purchasing gifts for everyone, divide the gift list into three categories.

Those you feel are important to shop for (such as your children), those you feel compelled to buy for (like your Boss), and those you just enjoy shopping for (like your best friend).

Decide on the total amount for your budget to spend on a gift and use these categories to help you split your budget accordingly.

If you think, shopping during the holidays is crazy then shopping ahead of the holidays also helps with the stress.

4. Don’t Hang On to Too Much

You have finally reached your destination and you want to take full advantage of it! The golden rule of stress-free vacations is setting expectations.

Once you have identified what you would like to visit, think about what is workable. It’s easy to be drawn to every museum, attraction, and restaurant on the recommendations list, but too many new experiences will exhaust you.

Estimate your energy reserves realistically, prioritize the activities you want to do, and don’t hesitate to take a step when you feel tired.

Holidays give you the perfect opportunity to do everything you can’t do at home, so read a book, take a long bath and watch as much TV as you want.

It’s okay to take a break from holiday activities.

5. Compromise

The kids are upset, you are tired of waiting for your friends to be ready and your better half is crawling to see something that doesn’t interest you at all.

Misunderstandings are the main cause of travel stress. Compromise will help you avoid this stress.

Identify differences of opinion and negotiate a solution that is favorable to both.

Make no mistake about believing that if you are on vacation together, you and your half must be inseparable.

Why not book an afternoon where everyone can do what they want?

This way you will have even more to tell at the end of the day. And eventually, reduce your stress level.

6. Sing Along to Your Favorite Songs

During vacation, there is no one you should be ashamed of.

You can go to karaoke, where no one knows you anyway, or just turn up the music in a rented car to the maximum and sing along to your favorite performer heartily.

In a restaurant, in a cafe, at hotel check-in, on a beach, in a park – wherever beautiful music finds you, do not hesitate to dance.

It immediately helps you relax, removes language barriers, and brings a smile to people around the world.

The risk, that you look like as an abnormal is much lower than the chance that you will cheer up yourself and those around you.

7. Take Lots of Deep Breaths

If the holiday pressure is too overwhelming, take some time off for yourself, step away from the crazy parties and gatherings.

Go to a place where you feel safe and relaxed. Take a deep breath and think of the present moment.

Go on a walk outside and don’t forget to focus on your breathing. Sip a cup of tea.

If possible got for some herbal or green tea. They profoundly decrease your stress level. Enjoy your surrounding environment and feel your deep breaths.

Pro Tips: Take Care of Your Health

Taking care of your health is one of the major tips for a stress-free holiday.

When we are stressed we probably get sick because our immune system becomes defenseless.

It’s important to stay healthy during the holiday season because if we won’t take care of our health, it is a disaster with a long to-do list.

Remember to eat healthy food, get a nice sleep every night.

Create reasonable expectations and stay healthy mentally and physically by not stressing too much.


In the end, the holiday is for yourself, you deserve a moment of relaxation once in a while.

You don’t have to take guilt if you are thinking of yourself for a few days.

The only important thing you need is to go with the flow as it comes, don’t worry if you forget to clean the house before leaving for the holiday, or if you forget to say goodbye to your loved ones.

The holiday is meant for your rejuvenation and you certainly deserve it.

We hope these 7 tips for a stress-free holiday will help you overcome your stress during the holiday seasons.

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