You are currently viewing Acne Caused By Face Mask: Effective Prevention and Treatment (2021)

In this article we’ll discuss about acne caused by face mask, face acne treatment and how you can prevent it.

Masks are one of the main tools to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Thus, wearing a mask is an important way to stop coronavirus outbreaks. And the continuous wearing of a face mask could give you face acne.

Acne is caused when hair follicles plugged with oil and dirt. It can be seen in any age of people but it is most common in teenagers. It is the most common skin condition in teenagers around the globe.

Nowadays we regularly wear masks due to coronavirus which is also a reason for face acne. People are in difficulty whether to wear a mask or not. If we don’t wear masks, we risk our lives and if we wear a mask, it causes acne, which can low our confidence and self-esteem and eventually leave acne scars.

Not to worry because in this article we’ll discuss different ways to treat and prevent face acne due to wearing a mask.

Preventative Measures of Acne Caused by Face Mask

In the current situation, there is a vaccine for coronavirus but it does not work 100 percent, therefore, we have to wear masks whether we are vaccinated or not. We should never leave the house without a mask but wearing a mask often can be the cause of acne growth.

That is why we should know some functional ways to control face acne. There are some ways to prevent acne caused by face mask and treat acne scars given below

1. Material Of The Mask

One of the main reasons for face acne is the material of the mask. If the mask is not suitable for your face it will cause facial acne. Masks can trigger sweat glands and it can be the cause of facial acne. Some fabrics can be irritating to face polyester which we should avoid. We should use a material that is not irritating to the face but we should not forget that the mask should be thick to stop coronavirus outbreak.

We should use a material like cotton which is non irritating to the face and observe sweat easily. Mask should be double sided and should be tight to the face and mask should be easy to wash and should be washed after every use.

2. Take Breaks

We should not forget to take off our masks and let our skin breathe. However, we should be careful of where we are. When we are in an open space we have to ensure that there are no people around us. When we are at home we should take the mask off and wash our hands properly before touching our faces.

3. Washing Ours Masks

Washing masks frequently is an important step in preventing acne. Masks should be washed properly with non-scented detergent after every use and if we are using surgical masks we should change it daily. Replacing or cleaning the mask is one of the best ways to prevent acne caused by face mask.

4. Using The Mask Properly

We should know how to use our masks properly. If we are using the same masks repeatedly it causes bacteria, germs, and sweat which can trigger face acne. We should use N95 masks and change them daily and while using cotton masks wash them and dry them in the sunlight.

5. Clean Your Face

After using the mask throughout the day, wash your face with the cleanser of the suitable skin type. If we have a full face of makeup we should use a double cleansing method that is, use oil-based and a water-based cleanser and use a clean towel to pat dry. We should wash our hands before washing our faces. Use moisturizer according to our skin type.

6. Be Gentle

Our facial skin is thinner than body skin so, we have to be extra gentle while handling our face. We should not use products that contain any fragrance, soap, or oils that irritate your face. We should avoid products that contain harsh chemicals. Always use sunscreen which is more than 30 SPF. Use rich moisturizer which is gentle to the skin. Always use the pat dry technique to dry the skin. If possible use a paper towel to dry the skin, it is a more gentle and clean method. We can also use products that are specially made for face acne.

7. Avoid Petroleum-Based Products

Petroleum jelly which is commonly found in vaseline can be itchy to the face and can cause facial acne. We should not apply petroleum to our face.

8. Stay Hydrated

Water is one of the most essential minerals for our body. We should drink a lot of water throughout the day and keep our bodies hydrated. Use products that are hydrating to the face which is also non-greasy and not too heavy to the face.

9. Make-up

If we have an acne problem makeup can be a major problem because it can clog the pores and cause acne and blackhead. We should always use light makeup when we have face acne. We should avoid using expired makeup and wash our makeup brushes and sponge frequently.

10. Sunscreen

It is one of the important steps in skincare. Sun can cause a lot of damage to the face because the sun contains harmful rays so, if we want to avoid that, we should be wearing sunscreen daily. Sunscreen should not be below 30 spf. Even if u can not see the sunlight, sun rays still harm the skin, thats why we should not forget to wear sunscreen.

How To Treat Acne Caused By Face Mask

When it comes to treating acne caused by wearing a mask it can be treated similarly to regular acne. Some of the treatments are given below:

1. Steam

Using hot water steam can unclog pores and the dirt trapped in the pores can come out. Use a pot that has a narrow head, fill it with hot water and put your face on top of the pot, and cover your head with the towel. Do it for 5-10 minutes. We can repeat this daily or 2-3 times a week.

2. Ice Cube

Using ice cubes can deflate acne and it can also reduce redness around the acne. It can also improve our blood circulation and is easily found at home. To do that, take a clean cube of ice and wrap around clean clothe. Press on the targeted pimple gently for a couple of seconds. We can do it on a regular basis until the pimple is gone.

3. Lemon

Lemon contains Vitamin C which is great for our body and skin. Vitamin C can also brighten our faces which is good to get rid of acne scars. Cut half a lemon and squeeze it in a clean container and apply with the clean hands or use a cotton round let it sit for 15-20 minutes and wash with lukewarm water and follow with the moisturizer.

4. Potatoes

Similar to the lemon, potatoes also have skin-lightening properties due to their vitamins and minerals. It is a safe and easy way to treat acne at home. Cut a thin slice of the potato and rub it in the concerned area gently let it sit for 10-15 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water. It can be harsh for the skin so use this technique 2-3 times a week.

5. Turmeric

Turmeric can get rid of face acne and acne scars because it has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Make a face pack using turmeric and honey or milk and apply it to your face. Let it seat for about 10 minutes and rinse. This is one of the best natural methods for face acne treatment.


We should always be careful and treat acne before it gets worse. If there is already a pimple sticking out on the face, immediately apply acne medication, always follow a healthy lifestyle.

Some research suggests that the frequency and severity of acne depend on the strain of bacteria. So, it is important to make sure that you don’t let the chance of occurring of bacteria and always stay clean and hydrated.

If you are on the move, you can also cover the pimples with acne patches so you don’t get exposed to dust. Usually, reusable cloth masks will be hotter to wear than surgical masks. So, during acne breakouts, first, replace your cloth mask with a disposable surgical mask. If the condition is severe always consult a dermatologist.

We hope this article is helpful for your face acne treatment and prevention from acne caused by face mask and getting rid of the acne scars. Let us know in the comment section below.

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